Monday, March 10, 2008

Calm the hell down

So, I recently consulted the I-Ching because I spent four hours writing the last blog to edit it and get it into good shape.

See that's me for you. It's not about perfectionism, it's about pressuring myself to GET ER DONE!

While I got advice from some people to slow down while I was running in circles during my last crazy job, I paid no mind. I want to pay mind now.

I have a tendency to go full throttle into something and prove to everyone that I'm putting forward full effort. This is not for anyone else but myself. I need to be modest and keep myself in check.

I have been instructed to be still and open and let "the creative empty what is full". In being still, retreating into myself, I should act modestly (not trying to get recognition for everything). Doing so will gain respect from others and people will look at my stillness as model behavior. Cool. A goal for myself is to chill on the posts as a mission and ensure that they are me- lighthearted and fun. They don't have to have the depth of a research paper. I don't have to legally defend myself (like the lawyer I am) against past attacks. I don't have to expect that this blog will turn into "Pump up the Volume" starring Christian Slater (member the underground radio dude?)

In fact, I said in the first blog that people attach to emotion, not facts. So, while I'll be aware of links and books, I'm not too concerned about exact format. I want to be myself and let the creative guide me rather than me try to guide the creative.

A short blog, but meaningful one.

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